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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Pantai-pantai Indah di Ciamis Jawa Barat

Pantai Pangandaran

Pantai Pangandaran adalah salah satu objek wisata pantai yang terletak di Desa Pananjung, Kecamatan Pangandaran, Ciamis - Jawa Barat. Tepatnya ± 92 km arah selatan kota Ciamis.
Pasir putih yang indah dan pantai yang landai membuatnya cocok dijadikan pilihan wisata keluarga.  Anda juga bisa melihat Sunset dan Sunrise yang menakjubkan di sini.

Acara yang menarik untuk diikuti:

1. Hajat Laut, yakni upacara melarung sesajen ke laut lepas. Acara ini biasa dilaksanakan pada tiap-tiap bulan Muharam, dengan mengambil tempat di Pantai Timur Pangandaran.
2. Festival Layang-layang Internasional (Pangandaran International Kite Festival) dengan berbagai kegiatan pendukungnya yang bisa kita saksikan pada tiap bulan Juni atau Juli.
Baca Pantai Lainnya

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Great View of Green Canyon

Have you ever heard about Grand Canyon in America? In Indonesia, we have Grand Canyon. Located in south of Pangandaran, Ciamis, West Java. Green Canyon is a river that run through to the cave full of stalactites and stalagmites. The real name of Green Canyon is Cukang Taneuh. It means bridge made from sand. Naming it based on existence of a natural land bridge connecting the two sides of the river. Green Canyon itself called by some france tourist when they first visit at 1993.  

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Most Beautiful Lake in Indonesia : Danau Laut Tawar

Danau Laut Tawar or Laut Tawar lake is one of tourist attractions in Indonesia. With two hills that flank the lake, you can see the beautiful scenery and feel the romantic  situation. That's why this lake become a pride of people who live around it.
Laut Tawar Lake is a lake and tourist area in Dataran Tinggi Gayo, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Indonesia. The extent of approximately 5472 hectares with a length of 17 km and width of 3.219 km. The volume of water is approximately 2,537,483,884 m³ (2.5 trillion liters)
How to Reach:
Access to the Takengon more easily accessed through the City of Bireuen. There is a small terminal where gather minibus transportation called "elf", specifically to Takengon. It will take you about 5 hours.
Other alternative can also be reached via Blang Kejeren and Kutacane. 

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